Circular Economy

Cheminfo Services is your go-to partner for circular economy, recycling, and waste management studies. Our work has spanned the review of waste generated, diversion rates, recycling options, and best practices adopted within Canada or in other countries.

Examples of our work include:

  • Profile of Waste and Recyclable Materials Processing Facilities in Canada

  • Analysis of the Capacity to Dismantle, Dispose and Recycle Marine Vessels in Canada

  • Assessment of the Economic Impacts of Prohibiting Plastics and Single-Use Items

  • Understanding Opportunities to Advance Reuse Systems in Canada

  • Analysis of the End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling and Management Sector in Canada

  • Management and Disposal of Wastewater Treatment Sludge in Canada

  • Managing Plastic Waste in the Construction, Renovation, and Demolition Industry

  • Characterizing Reuse, Recycling and Disposal of Textiles in Canada

  • Implementation of the Code of Practice for End-of-Life Lamps Containing Mercury

  • Landfill Cover Systems/Materials Used in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills in Canada

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