Market Studies

Cheminfo Services is a recognized leader in the preparation of insightful market studies for chemicals, materials, and manufactured products. Our analyses have informed government decision-makers for over three decades, and contributed to a greater understanding of the life cycle of products and the substances they contain.

Some examples describing the breadth and depth of our work include:

  • Market Analysis of Registered Pest Control Products in Canada

  • Socio-economic Analysis of Diethylhexyl Phthalate Use in Canada

  • Market Study of Silver Nanoparticles in Canada

  • Background Study on the Use, Exposure and Release of Petroleum Substances

  • Use, Exposure and Release Potential of Used Lubricating Oils in Canada

  • Profile of the Tire Manufacturing and Tire Retreading Sector in Canada

  • Supply Chain Analysis of Flammable Liquids in Canada

  • Analysis of Products Containing BPA Available on the Canadian Market

  • Use, Exposure and Release Potential of Heavy Fuel Oils in Canada

  • VOC Content of Architectural Coatings Supplied to the Canadian Market

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