Cost & Benefit Analysis

Cheminfo Services delivers insightful cost-benefit analyses and economic impact studies across a diverse range of regulations, projects, and programs. These studies are built upon our deep understanding of the fundamentals of cost and benefit analysis and ability to consult effectively with stakeholders.

Examples of our work include:

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis of Regulations under the Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act

  • Cost of Prescription Drug Misuse on Law Enforcement and the Criminal Justice System

  • Benefits of Lead Content Restrictions in Children’s Products

  • Impacts of the Federal Tobacco Control Regulatory Program

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis of Proposed Regulatory Amendments to the Cosmetic Regulations

  • Cost Analysis of the Disposition of Controlled Substances and Offence-Related Property

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis of Adopting the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) in Canada

  • Understanding the Socio-Economic Impacts of Environmental Emergency Planning

  • Costs and Cost Savings of Components of the Human Pathogens and Toxins Act

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis of Changes to the Pesticide Cost Recovery Regime

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