Other Public Policy

Our team has been a leading provider of strategic and public policy advice to federal Departments. We have worked extensively for Environment and Climate Change Canada, Health Canada, Transport Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and others. And, we have provided information and analyses to provincial and municipal governments from coast to coast.

Some examples of our past work, spanning environmental, health, transportation, and other diverse topics, includes:

  • Capacity of Forensic Laboratories to Test for Cannabinoids (Public Safety Canada)

  • Canadian Toxic Gases Supply Chain Study (Transport Canada)

  • Study of Firm-Level Investment Location Decisions - Chemicals Sector (Industry Canada)

  • Canada's Paper, Plastic, and E-Waste Sectors (Environment and Climate Change Canada)

  • Analysis of the Canadian Biodiesel Industry (Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada)

  • Impact Assessment of Potential Revisions to Fees (Canadian Food Inspection Agency)

  • Canadian Alternative Fuel Vehicle & Technology Suppliers (Natural Resources Canada)

  • Investing in Canada's Plastics Products Sector (Foreign Affairs and International Trade)

  • Technical and Socio-Economic Background Study on Coal Tars (Health Canada)

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